Property Investment 101 — Finding Perfect Time to Invest in Real Estate

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4 min readSep 13, 2017


Why is real estate the perfect investment? Why is now the perfect time to capitalize? Speculative buying and property flipping offer much needed stability and a proven history of growth. Today’s economic situation offers a unique opportunity to take advantage of both.

Stock market woes and mutual fund nosedives are commonplace. Many are feeling the pain of recent recession related losses. The current run on precious metals is an indication that investors are searching out safe havens Consider the safe haven you are probably sitting in right now, your home. Consider its current value. Consider its value Just ten years ago, even twenty.

Ask your parents what they paid for their home and compare that to what it would sell for today. it becomes obvious that while the value of stocks and mutual funds are inherently unstable, the rise in the value of real estate is here to stay. Year over year decreases in real estate prices are rare and short lived. Both short and long term Increases abound.

For those with a little start up money and a keen eye for value, real estate is the perfect investment. The rebounding economy is setting the stage for those wishing to get into the real estate market today. The current plateau or even dip in real estate prices has restated in a buyer’s market. Now Is the perfect time to buy. Low Interest rates are already stimulating real estate purchases across the country. Rising rates pressure buyers to purchase sooner rather than later, creating a secondary surge In sales. The buyer’s market will be a seller’s market in the near future.

It is the perfect time for new construction or for the renovation and restoration of real estate for resale. The struggles of the manufacturing sector have lowered the price of construction materials. The high unemployment rate caused by the recession is providing an army of ready and willing skilled tradesman.

The last real estate boom restated in a surplus of real estate agents who are all now scrambling to find both buyers and sellers, often offering reduced commissions and incentives. A perfect storm of low but soon to increase interest rates, low construction material cost, and high availability of low construction material cost, and high availability of skilled tradesmen and real estate agents has formed. Combine this with the proven stability and growth of the real estate market and you will see that now is the perfect time to invest in the perfect investment.

Real Estate Investing

Investing in real estate can be the road to riches — or a source of endless frustration. it all depends on how you approach the investment and how well you understand the intricacies of this unique Investment vehicle. Real estate Is a hard asset, and In order to make the most of that asset you will need to use the right investment techniques.

One of the most intriguing things about investing in real estate is the fact that investors can leverage their investments to increase their profits without increasing their risk. By financing the purchases with private money, Investors can leverage their investments and increase the profitability of each real estate investment. There are a number of advantages to using private investor funds instead of bank financing for your real estate investments. One of the most significant benefits is that private investors do not have the same lending and credit requirements that banks do.

Private Investors are generally willing to accept the property itself as collateral for the loan, without regard to things like credit score and past willing to accept the property itself as collateral for the loan, without regard to things like credit score and past loan, without regard to things like credit score and past history.

This can allow savvy real estate investors, even those without a strong credit history, to participate in one of the most attractive real estate markets to come along in decades. Private money also has another important advantage over bank financing. That advantage is one of flexibility.

The real estate market is a moving target, and opportunities can be gained and lost In a matter of days. By using private financing you will be able to move just as fast as the market and keep up with the latest opportunities.

Here’s the gist — How you finance your real estate purchases will make a big difference in your ultimate success. Making the most of your real estate investments means moving quickly and thinking on your feet, and private money can give you the flexibility you need to succeed in even the most challenging real estate environment. Good luck Investing.

